Privacy policy

Here you can find our privacy policy (last updated at 31st of January 2024) which describes how we handle your personal data.

What information we collect

As most websites, we log every request which is being made. This may include the following during normal operation.

In case of an error, we reserve the right to additionally log the full request that was received by our servers.

Additionally we of course also need to process all requests which are sent to the server, thus any data you send to the server may be processed automatically by the webserver.

How we use your information

We solely collect this log information for the sole purposes of

How we keep your information secure

Your information is only stored on this server and never transmitted by any means.

Old log entries are automatically overwritten by newer ones after a time period which depends on website traffic.

We also do not, at any point in time, share any of the aforementioned information with any third parties.

If any concerns remain, feel free to reach out to us via email at: business<AT>